

In Peru, Argentina and Chile, the Dakar has enjoys a resounding success with the crowds. This is why safety remains the number one priority of the organisers and the host countries. The safety resources in figures:
· 60 secure special “spectator zones” will be set up during the 14 stages of the rally to enable people to watch the Dakar competitors in the best conditions. The public are informed of the creation of these zones through the media three days beforehand.
· 35,000 police officers will be ensuring the safety of the crowds during the 14 stages of the rally.
· 7 helicopters will be devoted to safety and surveying the route, in particular ahead of the race to notify the authorities and organisers of any possible danger.
· 19 vehicles and 40 people from the Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Vial (national safety agency) in Argentina will supervise the movements of the crowds coming to the “spectator zones”.

· 30 organisation vehicles take part each day in making the route and the “spectator zones” safe.
· Speed on the link stages must not exceed the lawful limits and are strictly controlled.

Prevention measures:

· 2,000 safety messages will be broadcast by 40 radio stations in all the host countries.
· A massive press campaign focusing on safety advice will appear in the major press organs of the host countries.
· A prevention video has been filmed and will be broadcast by television channels and on the web sites of the main local media organisations.
· 400,000 flyers will be distributed by the Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Vial (national safety agency) in Argentina.
· On Facebook (facebook.com/dakar) andTwitter (twitter.com/dakarofficial) safety related messages will be posted each day.