Investchem Formula 1600 – Tough weekend for champion van der Watt

2017 Investchem South African Formula 1600 champion Julian van der Watt enjoyed a bittersweet weekend at the Kyalami season finale when technical issues prevented him from continuing his dominant form thoughout the season. Van der Watt had scored 13 wins and a second place in the fourteen races leading up to the last meeting, but the Gauteng circuit proved the sting in the tail of the Cape Town driver’s dream season.

“My engine’s crank case plug was loose in Race 1, so oil went spraying on the exhaust at the grid before the start and we were forced to retire and so could not race,” Julian rued. “Then the engine went to 110 degrees, overheated and lost power in Race 2 and third was the best we could muster, so it was a bittersweet end to the year because we are still crowned champions.

“Huge thanks to my team, Race Driver SA, Investchem and Crossley & Webb for all the support and help throughout the year, as well as a huge thanks to Ian Schofield and the team for all the effort they put into the series this year. “I’d also like to wish Donny Lamola a speedy recovery and all our very best regards.”